Each department under the Clinical Care Directorate is headed by a Department Head and reports directly to the Head of Clinical Care. Under the departments, there are also Units. The Units have heads who are accountable and report directly to Department Heads. Apart from the Clinical Care Directorate, the rest of the directorates, as earlier stated, have only Unit Heads and they report directly to the Directorate Heads.
Committees are groups of persons formed internationally and to whom specific tasks have been assigned (Willan, 1990). Committees are one of the several governing tools used by management to share authority across an organization to stimulate interest in decision-making. Participative management utilizes committees or working groups with clearly defined terms of reference as a tool to achieve the overall organizational goals. With committees, members function collectively and responsibility for decisions is spread among several persons. Committees thus offer the opportunity for group problem solving and serve as a forum for presenting multiple points of view. This helps to safeguard against the tendency of power and authority being centralized among few persons.
Committees are an integral part of the operations of the public-sector health institutions in Ghana. At GARH, there is a statutory Hospital House Management Committee (HHMC) which assists the Medical Director to formulate policies towards the management of the Hospital. The HHMC is the highest Decision-Making Body and supports the Medical Director to implement government policies (i.e. GHS Council, MOH / GHS/RHD Policies) and also formulate and implement internal local policies and operational strategies in the hospital.
- Clinical Care
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Nursing and Midwifery Services
- Finance & Accounts Services
- Health Administration & Support Services
The membership of the HHMC comprises:
- The Medical Director
- The Head of Clinical Care
- The Head of Administration & Support Services
- The Head of Pharmacy
- The Head of Nursing & Midwifery Services
- The Head of Finance & Accounts Services
- The Heads of Clinical Departments
- Two representatives of Unions/Professional Associations in the Hospital
- A representative of Accra Metro Health Services
The Medical Director is the Chairman of the HHMC while the Head of Administration and Support Services acts as its Secretary. The HHMC is required to meet once every month or at least six times in a year to conduct its normal business. In case of any special event, the committee is required to convene an emergency meeting to resolve that particular issue. The quorum at a meeting of the Hospital Management Committee is the majority of the total membership.
- The Head of Clinical Care
- The Head of Administration & Support Services
- The Head of Pharmacy
- The Head of Nursing Services
- The Head of Finance & Accounts Services
Operational / Sub-Committees at GARH
Operational Linkages of the GARH
Within the framework of MOH/GHS, the GRAH reports administratively to through Regional Health Directorate to Office of Director General (GHS headquarters) to GHS Council and to MOH. Functionally, the GARH is an integral part of the Greater Accra Regional Health System. The Hospital reports to the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) through the RHD. The Hospital also reports to Metro Health Directorate in terms of service statistics. The GARH also serves as a referral center for Municipal and District Hospital within GAR and also provides technical supervision over the lower facilities in the region. The operational linkages in terms of administrative and functional linkages of GARH are presented diagrammatically in the Figures below: